Could robots ever be an ethical subject? And, if so, would it then be morally impermissible for the robots to work for us, resulting in a kind of slavery? Would the creation of the robots in general be morally permissible? In this paper, I will explore Peterson’s position on robot servitude, chapter four of Donaldson and Kymlicka’s Zoopolis , and John Weckert’s position on robot servitude in “Playing God,” and I will argue against robot servitude as well as against the creation of these artificial people (APs). Steve Peterson himself who argues for the moral permissibility of robot servitude does have his own reservations as he mentions himself. Although he isn’t sure why his intuitions tell him otherwise, his written piece supports robot servitude, but he does believe that something about robot servitude is ethically fishy. This is because, although robot servitude is wrong, the inherent wrongdoing lies with the programmer himself. Consider this moral permissibility...